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My presence

my art insta ya shminsta!?

so I set this up a while ago and just kinda forgot about it until I started my second year of uni. It doesn't have a whole lot in it but as I make stuff I can be proud of, I shall endeavour to add it up there. Not for anyone else's sake. It's mainly so my mates stop pestering me to see my shit. With this they can see what I want them to see themselves. So it's more convenient for me then it is self publicity. as fuck that.

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So as much as I hate self promotion it is unfortunately necessary if you want to make it in the modern world. So while I am giving in don't let that make you think I'm fond of this or I shall be annoying or a douche about it like most are, I only shall post when I have art that I think is good enough, and I shan't be doing anything else with it. So I started an art instagram about a year ago now maybe a year and a half and for the most part it has been dead but recently I have started to add stuff to if now and again. Like I just said only when I have work that I have made that I deem to be good enough. This ranges from personal work to even uni work either digital or non. Basically anything that I can call creative and like may very well end up on here. So as you can see, so far I have a mix of digital and physical art. There really isn't any shovyness with my art nor is their a gimmick none of this art challenge crap. None of this community bollocks. This is mine and mine alone, and I’d rather not join in. Anywhore I digress. I shall be slowly adding to this throughout the years to come as my portfolio grows so shall this. And in a certain sense this can also act as a basic online portfolio.

why instagram?

as for why I chose Instagram? I suppose it's for two very simple reasons. one, Instagram I am quite familiar with and already on my personal account follow many artists already so even before uni I always knew of people having art Instagrams. So the idea when it came to making my own wasn’t to foriegn to me. Additionally, since I had used Instagram before on my personal account I had familiarized myself with the workout and all it’s various functions and features rather then having to one, create a new account, and two, relearn stuff on a new platform. What is also really helpful is that on Instagram one can link various accounts together so technically I only have one account with two pages. One for my art and one personal. Which let me tell you makes switching between them a breeze. The second reason is for the purely opinionated thought that I just like Instagram . The functionality of it as much as the visual aesthetic. It's uncluttered and simple and easy for anyone to use and get ahold of. Which on the plus side makes it way easier for people on instagram to discover me and the chances are just raised if you use a popular social network that is easier to use. The design is simple, white with just comments, images and accounts. I find many social networking sites nowadays are way to cluttered like facebook it does get a tad disorientating the longer you look at it but this problem does happen with instagram so, that's why I’m using it. I like it, it's easy to use, less hassle and all around fits my needs very well for this purpose of shilling myself in the vain hopes of getting a career in animation.

the account going forwards

Like I stated earlier I don't really have much of a specific plan for this account going forward other then whenever I make something I like , I shall add it to the account plain and simple. I may eventually end up doing actual promotion there but as of now I don't see that happening. Heck even if I find a challenge or something that I can at least tolerate and or get down with it may find its way to my account. Additionally one thing I shall definitely eventually do is list commissions on there. So whether I am up for commision of not, the prices and such and general information about commissions. It additionally will be a great place to get the word out about commissions and once something takes off online there is no stopping it. So whether I will take off, I don't count on it and actually would rather not, given I don't like the idea of hundreds if not thousands or random people following my artistic career. Kinda is leechy ain't it? Like they are leeching off of artists glory from someone else. Anywhore there I go digressing again point is as as now its only gonna be my good art. Later down the road definitely commision info and the various branding associated with that as much as I despise the idea.

why I don't want much of a social media presence if any at all

I'm gonna be completely honest and admit that until the past 6-7 years I had no form of social media outwardly avoiding it if I could and while I'm easing up on that I still at heart am not relaxed about the whole thing. in a general sense for all the convenience social media has brought me it has brought equal, if not more problems. From hackers. To useless drama and suicidal thoughts. In a general sense I don't really think it's healthy for people either. I’m not just saying me here either I mean humanity on the whole. Anywhore for this reason is why I am going to be very careful with my art social media as I don't want it to blow up in my face. I’m gonna run it slow and at my own discretion reckless of the internet and societies 100 mile an hour pace, were if you dont catch up you’re left behind. I’ll happily be left behind at least I’ll have my peace of mind. I’m gonna go at my own pace in the manner I want regardless of internet rules or norms. I shan't go going with the flow on this one essentially for my health and sanity. Cause honestly leave social media for a full week, no contact whatsoever you will feel better for it. HONESTLY.

Youtube channel

Last thing to talk about is my Youtube channel. This is currently my work one for uni that I am referring to but I do have my own personal one as well that I have uploaded my work to and shall continue to do so. And once uni is over I shall move my uni work onto that main one to. This I had going for way longer than my Instagram and out of all social media this is the one I am familiar with the most. I won't put commision work up here or talk about that but I shall put my full animations here as on instagram you can't upload any more than a full minute I think? So most vids will end up on my Youtube channel. While most static images will be on my instagram. Again like my Instagram whenever I have something of mine that I like I shall upload it. But otherwise I'm not gonna do much with it.

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