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Chosen specialisation

I really like to draw, its a problem actually. it serious, I need help.

So over the summer we were asked to find what our personal niches would be in the animation industry. Now granted I'm not gonna close any of my doors and do whatever the fuck I wanna do. But if one were to ask what I would mainly do from sheer skill and familiarity. That would have to be 2D. 2D is for a lack of better words my chosen specialist area. that this final year I plan to be going in on.

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pose and firgure study for Mikes unit #2
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pose and firgure study for Mikes
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So as I hope you can see from this, I like to draw. It's one of the only skills that I have that I would consider marketable. So I guess for that very reason, well that, and that I love to draw. And whilst I also love doing 3D I do prefer and find it easier to draw and in a weird sense it just feels more natural and right/second nature to me, this is why I chose to make 2D my area of specialisation. Above you can see some personal work as well as uni based work. But I just think above all it’s my love for drawing and growing up seeing all these amazing 2D animated films that really swayed my decision so to speak? All in all, this decision was relatively easy for me to make. Even before I joined Ravensbourne I knew I wanted to make drawn animation. so I guess this is also me just confirming what I already know.

The Who, What, When, Where and Why?

So I know I briefly touched on this in the previous paragraph but in this one I shall actually be answering the why, who, what when and all those personal types of questions that will hopefully allow you an insight into my mind and the reasoning/logic behind this big decision.  So I guess the best place to start is the why. I'll go through this in a list since there are a cumulative number of reasons all adding on to one another that helped me make this decision. to start it's a highly marketable skill that I would say, not tryna toot my own horn, I’m skilled/proficient and thusly confident in. Next being that it’s what I grew up with. From Scooby Doo movies to the Disney renaissance and stuff like Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon, now these are things that probably every animation student mentions so I’mma get a bit more specific to me. growing up with the internet I found newgrounds and I’d attribute that to the main outside source that made me wanna do what they do, that is be a 2D animator. People like Edd Gould from Eddsworld and Arin Hanson or Egoraptor to people like Chris O,Neil or Oney. Them doing what they wanted just for the fun of it with completely free artistic expression made me wanna follow in their footsteps. Next on the list I just love the draw, the act of drawing is relaxing to me, and if I can do that and make a profit at the same time. Two birds one stone right? Last reason why I don't really think I could work in a type of business/industry that isn't creative so realistically this may be my only option? I'll cover the when and where at the same time since they play into each other. I’d say I decided I wanted to e a 2D animator back in 2009 just before I left for secondary school. After just discovering Eddsworld the year before, and in that year binging all that he had made from artwork to full blown animations. I also through new grounds had discovered other creators Oney, Egoraptor and Spazkid just to name a few. after a full year of discovering Newgrounds and this new form of animation coming from the internet as well as just what the internet could offer in terms of creativity. I decided in 2009 after a year of becoming immersed in the internet to be an animator , more specifically a 2D animator, as for the where this was all within the confines of my room. my personal space where I am king, whilst not important I feel discovering this new facet of my personality in my own way and on my own accord did play and influence. So as for the who inspired me directly I’ll give five creators that I’d say were instrumental in my own creative style and process as well as my personality in a general sense. so the clear first on the list is Edd Gould (Eddsworld) next in descending order of importance would be Jarrad wright (big Lez Show), Chris O'Neil (OneyNG), Zach Hadel (Psychicpebbles) and last but not least Arin Hanson (Egoraptor). Lastly the what. I’ll admit I don't know how to answer this I just added it to complete the whole 5 W's thing.

my inspirations/predecesors

I suppose the best way to do this would be to show you what I believe to be the arguably best representation of their work. Then I’ll give a brief description why they matter to me and how it has affected my choices and creative stylings in the artistic regard to my animation. So to begin I’d be remiss if I didn't take it all back to where my love for animation really started. Eddsworld made by British animator Edd Gould. Edd got his start in animation early in his life making simple stick figure animations, similar to me in fact, through this he would meet one of his best mates and eventual co writer for Eddsworld Thomas Ridgewell (Tomska). Other characters in both Eddsworld and Edds actual life include Matt Hargreaves and gone but not forgotten Tord Larsson. However in a sad turn of events Edds life was cut short at the age of 23 due to Leukemia. He dies during the production of en eddisode of Eddsworld "Space Face part 1" so they had to get fellow animator, Pual Ter Vorde to help finish where Edd left of. Upon completion

Link to each animators youtube channels are their names


they announced the show would continue in Edds honour and with the new goal of helping raise money for a charity in Edd’s name to help cancer victims and research/prevention. the show has since ended in 2016 and respectively Tom and Matt have gone on to do their own work.


Eddsworld was the first animated show to inspire me to want to make my own.I mean before this I had an idea that I wanted to get into the arts world when I grew up but I never knew I wanted to be an animator. But upon discovering Eddsworld when I first found myself on this new website (new to me) Newgrounds I was instantly hooked. And a year after watching and becoming part of the fandom I knew I wanted to be and animator. So in a sense it all begins and ends with Edd one could say? When the news hit me of Edd’s death I can honestly say I was rather heart broken my only role model having died in his prime hit me hard to say the least. However at the same time this fuelled me creatively to become the next Edd obviously never filling in his shoes but rather continuing where he left off and to make my own show one day. And to this day I’m still going on with this dream/goal.

Jarrad Wright is the creator and animator of The Big Lez Show. The show follows the adventures/life of the main character Lezly Mackerel. The show follows him and his friends as they try to just go about their lives in rural australia. Unlike Eddsworld having no plot, this does have an overarching story that comes to a close with the show’s finale. It focuses on identity, karma, fate and other highly subjective themes and concepts. All the while lez and his colourful cast of friends including sentient multidimensional Sasquatches, a laid back working class hi vis workmen, a sentient talking owl, an alien scientist disfigured by a science experiment gone wrong are being swept up by Lez’s father and brother and their evil plot with the Choomahs. a demented version of Homer Simpson. Another major thing of note is that the entire show is drawn in paint by Jarrad himself each and every frame done in paint. If that's not dedication I don't know what is. the show over the years


  has gained a massive following spanning the world. Myself included. From the days of making his own comics in class with his mates to making a fully fleshed universe with it’s own mythology and lore in a passion project that is the animated treasure, The big lez show. Truly it's a one of a kind and only Jarrad could make it was it is. this is hands down my favourite animated thing in existence currently so I hold it in the highest reverence. I could go on but I feel like we will be here forever so.


so how has this impacted me personally? Well like I stated this has become my favourite animated creation of all time. For more reasons than one, but that list is to long and numerous to go down that so I'll give you a brief sum up I suppose. the reason I love this show is because despite what the name says it's not a show. Somewhat like star wars, it is it’s own universe you are watching play out in front of you. You aren't watching the characters as much as taking part with them. They all feel so real and tangible, the personalities to the flaws and the mannerisms. I haven't even mentioned the art that is clearly made with so much dedication and love. and to make it on paint to is such a brave and unique choice it demands respect. Anywhore onto me. Whilst this wasn't the first animated show I discovered online nor will it be the last. It holds the closet in my heart. I connect with what the show says and with the creator. As it stands currently I want my own Big Lez Show. The original Eddsworld dream has combined with the Big Lez one to become something greater than the sum of its parts. The visual style and humor has influenced me. As has the writing. But most of all the impact the show has on people is what I really want to make my own. This is more than just entertainment. This is something we can look to in our lives to find something greater as cliche as that sounds I wholeheartedly believe that the big lez show is therapeutic to everyone who watches it in its own way. And what a great mark of a show to be able to mean something so important yet unique to every viewer upon watching. So it's currently my biggest inspiration and my driving force behind why I want to make cartoons in 2D.

The next on the list is animator OneyNG, real name Chris O'neil. If you couldn't tell from the name O’Neil is a irish animator that like Edd got his start on Newgrounds. He is most famous for his animated parodies of cult classic games, movies and shows. I also found Chris through Newgrounds and came to become a huge fan/admirer of his work. As you can see he really likes to have fun and be dumb and silly with his cartoons. Really showing us all that we should above all, have fun with it. Well at least it has certainly shown me that at the very least. In 2014 him and a group of fellow animators/content creators they meet through Newgrounds and other internet sharing platforms formed their own production company Sleepycabin. This lasted until 2017 where they all decided to follow their own independent careers and all went their separate ways. Whilst still collaborating and remaining fast friends. Another impressive things about

Chris’s videos is that for the most part he also makes the music himself. So he's talented in more than just animation which is always great when one can incorporate two skills they have into one creative endeavour.


As far as how this affects me though? Well the first thing I feel I have to say is . Like I touched on before later. Chris taught me not to take myself too seriously and know how to have fun with my work. cause above all if i'm not enjoying my work then my work won't be enjoyable for anyone else. More So however he inspired me to laugh and in turn want to make other people laugh. I honestly believe that one of the greatest gifts one person can give to another is the gift of laughter and I do view it as a genuine gift. Laughter really is a great medicine in a cold unforgiving world. Anywhore like I said he has added onto the dream of having my own unique show to now also have that show make people laugh and get enjoyment and feeling out of it. My comedic styling has been heavily inspired by him. And for those who know me will also probably realize my irevarancy. So Chris has done more than just affect me as an artist he has affected me as a person.

So now following on from Chris we now arrive at one Zach Hadel otherwise known online as Psychicpebbles. If you watch the video you may notice that Chris stars as part of the cast as a voice actor and co writer for this. That's because they have been close friends and collaborators for over a decade now, and worked together in sleepycabin. Like Chris his style and humor are quite irreverent. So in a sense like Chris he has provided me with a very similar type of content. Still fucking love it thought that being said.  You notice that visually his style is quite simple and basic but he fully uses that to his advantage. The clip that I have selected here was actually a pilot that him and Chris collaborated on with the hopes of eventually making it into a full fledged show on TV. They almost achieved it to. They had a meeting with adult swim and various other TV networks but it seems it just wasn't meant to be since nothing ever really came out of it. Still though they tried and got pretty far which is an


impressive feat in itself. So gotta give em credit where credit is due. One thing I do really love Zach Hadel for in particular are his background art pieces. It's something that Zach particularly prides himself on. fun fact, Zach back in the day when Eddsworld was still in production helped make the backgrounds and various bits of art and assets around that. He was a collaborator with Edd. since they were friends. A common theme here actually. Those who got their start on Newgrounds which Zach, Chris and Edd did. They all are friends because of it. And in the case of all of my inspirations bar Jarrad they have all collaborated on work together.


In terms of how he has affected me creatively and helped my decision making on this matter. Well like I just touched on a bit before he has inspired me much in the same way chris has. But if I were to give specific things that are unique to Zach and his work and in turn how it affects me. he has taught me not to be worried about taking a simple approach. Likewise he has taught me that I need to put effort into as many if not all facets of my work as I can and if for some reason I can't get someone who I can trust to collaborate with me and together we can likely make something even greater than anything we potentially could make individually. Greater than the sum of its parts. Also his visual style has definitely influenced mine. Be fair I can say the same thing for everyone on this list. but I feel that's the case for every artist. Their style is just a hodge podge of a bunch of other ones until it becomes unrecognizable and becomes your own one.

Now last but certainly not least we arrive at the American animator Arin Hanson otherwise known online as Egoraptor. Like the majority of this list he got his start on Newgrounds. For those of you who are smart you may be noticing a theme. so Arins visual style like Jarrads and Edds is one of a kind. You can look at any animation of his and instantly be able to recognise who made it. One specific thing that I believe to be really unique to Arin is exaggeration, and yes I realise all animation is gonna have exaggeration but some are more exaggerated than others and Arin takes that to a whole new level. To the point where similar to looney tunes the characters are actually breaking their own bodies for the sake of visual comedy. And I like this because I feel that nowadays most animators don't do anything exaggerated cause to the common crowd the one trait of good animation is realism which I hate. Why make something animated if you

want it to look real? Just watch actual footage for realism. But Arin doesn’t care he’d rather do his own thing prioritising uniquness and a clearly visualy stimulating and intresting style over what the stupid populace want out of what they think to be good art. Anywhore I digress. Arin to has collaborated with other Newgrounds content creators. Arin above all else just likes to have fun with it like lots of the individuals I have chosen for this list. Similar to Chris and Zach he is most famous, or at least came to popularity, online on the back of his parody animations. So he has quite a clear comedic styling to his animations and like all the others here wants to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. Arin is also now famous for his internet show game grumps and his music career. like Oney he makes his own music, or rather he is part of a online band/group that make music. so again the more talents one has the more marketable you can be. And regardless of marketing the more talents you have the better.


In terms of how he has influenced me and my style and choice? Well the first thing would have to be his art style. Specifically his over exaggeration in a persought of comedy. Cause a lot of great comedy does come from exaggeration. The main thing I learnt from Arin is don't be afraid to over exaggerate and for that matter any rules one may have been told don't be afraid to take it even further or don't do it at all. Similar to Jarrad he doesn't really care for any rule he was told he is just animating how he wants to animate. True animation. Arin does the same. Additionally his comedic styling has influenced mine.


So yea there is a basic coverage if my list of my predecessors in the field of 2D animation and even more specifically my biggest inspirations and the main reason I decided long ago to become a 2D animator. Now obviously I and you don't have the time to go over the full details of their careers and what they have done and obviously I can't show you all their work, however that being said I highly recommend that in your own time for you to go check out their work in the links I gave. Additionally there are many more animators that are major inspirations and influencers of mine that also helped me come to this decision. But witlin it down like I did, I would say these animators had the biggest impact on my art and decision. You notice a bunch started out small just making whatever they wanted, no holds bar, for the fun of it. And through that on Newgrounds a community was formed and lifelong friendships were made. Even Jarrad while not starting on Newgrounds started much the same just doing stuff cuase why the fuck not and he just wanted to. And for the most part while they have adapted and changed with the times as have their matured and grew along with their work. They still remain true to their roots. That's why I chose them I'd say. They just do it because they wanted to do it. Its’ their art. Nothing like what most studios do. This is them. And to be honest I don't really see much of that in modern animation. Or maybe I’m just not looking hard enough I don't know? But yea these are the dudes that in a sense have made me who I am today.

the 2D animation feild/market
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So the 2D animation market in general I would say honestly is over saturated. In fact I’d be as brash as to suggest that the whole animation industry is over saturated no matter the field. Well maybe except VR and claymation. But my point is that in a general sense it is over saturated from tv and movies to independent studios to single animators working independently there is a lot of it going around. Despite what some may say and have you believe about 2D animation being a dying medium, they say it's gonna be replaced by 3D, however I think that couldn't be further from the truth 2D animation isn't going anywhere. There shall always be a want and need for it. As people and as time goes on they are gonna want to draw and in turn people are gonna wanna see those drawings. Now just imagine they are moving. Additionally 2D has its own niche and 3D doesn't come into that. they can definitely exist co dependently.


Another thing needing to be mentioned about 2D animation is that I feel the market is broadening its horizons as now, as time goes on the community at large is realising that just because disney started it out for children doesn’t mean that's the rule. 2D isn't inherently childish or for children. And now animates shows and movies or even games targeting adults are becoming the next big thing. Shows like Rick And Morty and basically anything to come out of adult swim are becoming mainstays of the 2D industry. I would also say the same is happening in 3D just the animation industry in general really. There seems to be a cultural awakening going on in the industry. We are now pulling away from targeting soley to children, which was stupid to begin with, and now targeting as many markets as we can. 


lastly, the one thing that I personally believe 2D has over 3D. Is the visual styles. Sure you can get many different 3D styles that are quite unique and recognizable. But that pen and paper feel can never be recreated by anything that isn't a pen and paper. And I mean this in the sense of anything that's drawn, so digital is fine. With 3D as great as it can look it can sometimes look to clinical and precise. Animation I feel partly is meant to be noticeably different from reality. And that's always the case with drawn stuff. humanity, more specifically and importantly the inconsistencies and flaws come through. and yes I'm honestly arguing that human error and flaws are beneficial to our industry and what it stands for and at its core make animations and animators what we are.

after uni

So this is gonna be relatively short and quick comparatively speaking. Mainly due to the fact that my thoughts and opinions on this matter are much more clear cut and concise to me then the other things I have spoken about thus far. So after uni, I’m bouncing. I’m getting the fuck outta here. out of London away from the hustle and bustle and the stresses of modern life. As far away from industry as I can possibly get. Heck maybe even another country, I'm not excluding that option though I doubt it will happen. I plan to go with my mates up to the midlands for cheap places and since there are slightly better chances of getting employed there. 


Which brings me into my next point, not getting a job in animation, or at least not yet. So when I entered uni I tried my best to have no expectations. I would learn what I would learn basically. And as paradoxical as it is the main thing I have learned is that the insutry right now fucking sucks. I actually despise and hate it. Nothing personal or whatever if you can gain enjoyment from it I'm honestly pleased that someone can but as of now I can't. Everything about all creative industries at the moment makes me depressed and suck the enjoyment out of my life. I feel it also brings down the artform on the whole. It's become seemingly mostly bureaucracy and there isn't much artistic expression or freedom anymore. I originally thought that university would correct this thought but unfortunately it has only solidified my views. I'm fully willing to except maybe I was just being naive and even childlike thinking that something for creativity's sake could remain untainted by modern society at large, but I guess then that was my big mistake. Anywhore, I'm trying to learn from it and move on. 


Lastly I want to just fuck of from all of this as my health has taken a massive nose dive. This comes from a multitude of factors that I would rather not discuss but all health professionals I am working with think that leaving society at large for a year or two will honestly be what is best for me. So the last reason I’m fucking off into the middle of nowhere is my health. so I guess unless the industry changed or I can I'm gonna try be a freelance independent 2D animator/artist.

end goal / the dream

So I'll be the first to admit this dream of mine is quite simple and very down to earth. Not to be the greatest of the best or anything of that matter. It's really just about being content with my life and what I’m doing/making. But most importantly it's about me being in control of my own life. Cause I realised recently that most of the decisions I have made up until now in my life haven't actually been my own. For the first time in forever I'm making my fully own decisions based on what I want. So you can be sure I’m exercising that right now. So since it's so simple don't be surprised at how short it is. One last thing to keep in mind. While this is my dream this isn't my life long ting. This is for the next 1 to 3 years at most I suppose. The foreseeable future basically. It will undoubtedly change as I grow older and my life around me changes but for now this is it.


Move with my mates to the Midlands get away from society at large. Whilst there get a basic meaniale job, honestly I don't give too much of a shit it can be stacking shelves or a librarian? something basic that pays enough. But most importantly doesn't have me thinking about it when I get home. while that’s going on I’m living with mates and in my own time making whatever the fuck I want to with no outside influnece. I'm finally taking control of every aspect of my life. In this period of time where I’m living the “in theory” easy life or at least as easy as I can possibly make it I shall be building up my portfolio with my work and start when ready submitting that online for others to see if I so deem it. Additionally to make a bit of extra cash I shall also take up doing commissions for people. Another way to get into the business and get your name out their. It will also help me become proficient or at least knowledgeable in managing my own finances and communications and the like. All important skills if you wanna work freelance. And upon the point where I feel I have done enough and want to return to society that's when I may try to get a job in the industry either if I change or it does? I'm not saying I won't ever work in the industry just for my own sake I won't right away.


Lastly, this one is a little bit more ambitious but we are talking about dreams so? Eventually god knows when of even if it will happen but the idea of opening up my own independent studio and having something I would have worked for to call my own and have that be in and contribute to the industry would mean alot to me. Also I would love to be the boss, since I don't like authority. But that's just a dream to one day own my own animation studio where I can actually call the shots and decide what we do and the like. So yea that’s my, as of now, dreams and aspitrations yea they may be simple and stupid but I’m willing to be wrong but I shall at least try and learn along the way.

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