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Papers and forms

Papers please.

here is where I shall be showing all my proffesional documents one must have if you are to make it in this industry. CV, Invoice and buisness card.


SO I'll just get right into this professional stuff then shall I? When I started to make this CV I was pretty clueless I'll be honest. I knew what I needed to write down but I didn't quite know how to set it up on the page. Thusly I went online and looked at some creative examples of CVs. From there that gave me a rough idea of what I could get it to look like. My father, a former graphic designer, also gave me advice on trying to make my CV, business card and invoice in the same style for a more consistent brand and stronger theme. So I took that advice to heart and got a colour scheme for all my documents and also a simplistic, boxy style? I guess? As for the CV itself as you can see we have an image of myself taking by a friend of mine. I'm not responsible for the photo. you have on a column to the left. An about me paragraph, my contact info, my social media info and lastly my hobbies. Additionally at the bottom of the CV there is a link to my website. Most likely I'll be sending this online rather than printing it out so they can copy that text rather than entering it themselves. On the main section we have my name and specialist role. My education, followed by experience, I will put stuff in when I get work experience. Then my accomplishments, this is for contests or stuff of that nature. Then we have my skills list and a visual way to show my competency at that skill. Both for practical skills and mental skills. Other Than having each thing be a section rather than just having a wall of text, it makes it easier to read in stages. The colours are representative of me as is the style. The one thing I really remember being told about CV is not just to write about you but make the CV almost and extension of you, first impressions matter so I'm told.


Next is my invoice, as you can already see its design is consistent with my CV and as you will see my business card. Like I said this is on purpose to make them stronger as a unit, a set? Point is it makes the impressions and brand stronger to have it be consistent, basic, yet pleasing on the eye and easy to read. So let's get onto the invoice itself actually. This one I found quite hard as I didn't really know what needed to be written on an invoice, I knew it was to do with saying how much one part owes another party. But besides that I didn't know how it was meant to be formatted or nothing. So I went online and looked at many different examples. I came together with the most recurring features and on the basis of that made my own invoice. those notable features being. Logo, big text that says invoice, your address, the address of whom you're sending the invoice, invoice number, customer ID, issue date, due date, list of expenses with prices for each and then lastly total. You'll notice the empty spaces there on my expenses sheet. Those are left empty for where stuff would go if this where and actual invoice with other stuff to charge. I'm just showing how much it could fit extra. Keep in mind that the prices are completely fictitious, those aren't necessarily the actual prices I’m gonna charge, those are just placeholders. Likewise with the clients address and customer info, I’m just showing where they would all go, they would be filled out if this were a real invoice. Composition wise this one isn't cluttered at all, my cv was more cluttered but not to the points it's difficult to understand.

Invoice PNG.PNG
Buisness card
Buisness card front.PNG
Buisness card back.PNG

Lastly we have the business card.Now it may seem like there are two business cards here but actually what you are seeing is the front of my business card and the back of my business card. The top image is the front half and the bottom one if my back half. Just so we have that clear and out of the way let's move on. When making the business card I used the actual business card measurements that I found online to try make it accurate enough to how it would look like to scale. The image slight becomes less detailed but besides that you can still tell what it it. The text is readable as are the symbols. Which I made myself I just used each of the respective brands logos for reference. I made it look sketchy to show off my personal art style and thus a little about my personality. I'm not the draw within the lines kinda guy if you get what I'm saying? The text is far apart enough to not clutter the page. The composition is simple yet effective with the main text being my name and role up front with the smaller text of my contact info below. I also added the border for extra flair. Additionally when printed as an actual card the border would go round the business card connecting to the border on the back there by having some form of continuity on the card. 


Lastly we have the back half of the card to talk about. I just used my logo from my invoice and stuck it straight in the middle. For now my logo is my signature. I couldn't really think of a better one to be honest. There will likely be a redesign at some point but until then this is what I shall be using for the time being. The back itself though. As I covered already it has the border for something to contain it all and wrap it up nicely. The two sketches in the background are of the same image as the one on the front. Just at different stages of its development. I thought a really good way to show of my self and my work and its process would be to give a simple example of it. I got one image of myself and drew it from reference and bam. I took the first stage in the blue where its just basic shapes sketched, then I used the red as my second step example adding in crude sketchy details, and finally on the front the finished product in white with details and clear lines that are sketchy. This gives a small scale example of my process using the different colours to differentiate and draw atop of the last stage there by adding as I go along. Simple but I feel it represents me and my work in more ways than one. Says a little something about me as a person two. All in all I like the business card and all of my professional documents I made for the 30% half of this brief.

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